(This is Not an official site, the
official site is at40.com)
Who's your favorite artist from the 1980s?
- 38% - Hall & Oates
- 27% - Madonna
- 12% - Michael Jackson
- 8% each, tie - Phil Collins, Duran Duran
- 4% each, tie - Billy Joel, Prince
Where in the world are you viewing this site
- 75% responded United States of America
- 25% responded Western Europe
What do you think of AT20 AC's chart change?
- 40% responded "I don't care either way. It's
still a good show"
- 30% responded "The change is good and makes
the chart better".
- 30% responded "The change is bad. AT20
should go back to R&R".
Should this site continue to have a poll each
Should AT40 have a chart year from Jan 1 - Dec
31 and air the year-end show in January or keep things are they are?
- 62% responded keep things the way they are
- 38% responded change to a Jan 1 - Dec 31
chart year
Which Casey show can you listen to in your area
(internet not included)?
- 61% responded AT40
- 28% responded AT40 Flashback
- 11% responded AT20 (HAC)
- 0% responded AT20 (AC)
Will you get XM satellite radio in order to
hear old AT40 shows once the Flashback ends?
- 53% responded "No, I simply cannot afford to
get XM"
- 47% responded "Yes"
What do you think about successful artists who
change their appearance, style of music, etc. because they want to show
their "real" personality?, e.g. Mariah C., Christina A.
- 42% responded " It's hard to tell if they're
being honest or not"
- 25% responded "I don't care"
- 16.5% responded "It's not real - they're
just cashing in on current trends to sell more cds"
- 16.5% responded "It's great that they choose
to feel free to be themselves"
How many times in a weekend should
AT40/AT20/Flashback be aired?
- 68% responded "Twice, so I have a choice"
- 32% responded "At least 3 times, so I can
have several chances to listen"
- 0% responded "Once is Good Enough"
Would the AT20 shows be better if they expanded
to a top 30 show?
- 81% responded: Yes, more of the chart should
be played
- 19% responded: No, things are fine just the
way they are
Which AT40 special would you like to see
updated for 2002?
- 44% responded : AT40 Book of Records
- 22% responded: Top 40 songs of the past 5
- 22% responded: Top 40 songs of the 00s (so
- 12% responded: Top 40 songs about women
Which feature of AT40 during the Shadoe era was
the worst?
- 48% responded: No song intros (the "No
- 28% responded: The short-lived 1-900 line
- 16% responded: Fewer Question Letters
- 8% responded: Fewer Long Distance Dedications
Should AT40 add more "hits of the past"
segments each week like is done on both AT20s?
- 75% responded "Yes"
- 19% responded "Maybe - Just Don't Do It Each
- 6% responded "No"
Which feature of AT40 during Shadoe's reign
would you like to see on the current AT40?
- 75% responded "AT40 Flashback (5 song
- 19% responded "None of the Above"
- 6% responded "AT40 Sneak Peek"
- 0% responded "AT40 Music News"
What do you think of Radio & Records'
decision to use only Mediabase monitored stations to make up its charts?
- 61% responded "I Don't Know. Let's wait and
- 17% responded "Great, Now the charts will be
more accurate"
- 17% responded "It Was a Bad Decision"
- 5% responded "They should go with BDS
After 2 months of voting, here are the results
for the top songs of the 1980s and 1990s combined:
- #1: Every Breathe You Take - The Police - 35%
- #2: Iris - Goo Goo Dolls - 23%
- #3: Bette Davis Eyes - Kim Carnes - 17%
- #4: Walk Like an Egyptian - Bangles - 13%
- #5(tie): Look Away - Chicago - 4%
- The Sign - Ace of Base - 4%
- Missing - Everything but the Girl - 4%
- #8 (tie): Careless Whisper - Wham - 0%
- (Everything I Do)... - Bryan Adams - 0%
- Two Princes - Spin Doctors - 0%
Should AT40 abandon Mediabase 24/7?
- 50% responded "No, It's good to be different"
- 40% responded "Yes, the new chart rules are
awful, and R&R has a better chart"
- 10% responded "The source of the chart is
not important"
What do you think of Rick Dees substituting
songs on his chart to remove the amount of rap?
- 46% responded "I don't listen to Rick Dees
- 27% responded "It's terrible - stop it now"
- 19% responded "I can live with it, but he
should stop it"
- 8% responded "It's good - keep it up"
Do you agree with the recent changes to AT40
(e.g. the LDD sound) which make the show more like "Casey's Top 40"?
- 44% responded "Yes - It Makes the Show
- 44% responded "It Doesn't Matter - The Show
Is Still Great"
- 8% responded "No - Stop Changing the Show"
- 4% responded "No Opinion"
Top 40 is getting more "hard" rock and rap,
very similar to 1991. Is Top 40 heading for another
- 38% responded "It's okay if it doesn't get
any 'worse'"
- 31% responded "Yes - stop playing the
"extremes" and stick to the 'middle'"
- 27% responded "No - Keep it up!"
- 4% responded "No Opinion"
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This page last updated June 29, 2003