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![]() (This is Not an official site, the official site is AT40 Chart Information - AT40's weekly chart can currently be found at the official site - Chart Feats and Achievements (only through 2003)
- See what was the number one song for every year since AT40 started - View artists' history on the Radio & Records Pop and Mediabase 24/7 charts
AT40 Audio - To find out when you can hear AT40 live on the web, visit Radio Shows' Information and Links. - Want to hear what the jingles of AT40 sounded like in the past? Hear them at this fan site. - The "Reel Top 40 Radio Repository" has a few segments of AT40 shows:
- Want to know more about the company that restored the AT40 shows for broadcast on XM Satellite radio? - See what AT40 show is coming up on XM: 70s shows are aired Wed/Sat, 80s shows are aired Thu/Sun
AT40 Fan Sites - AT40 expert/superfan Pete Battistini has his own website where you can learn more about his AT40 collection and his book, "American Top 40 with Casey Kasem (The 1970s)". - A partial backup of the old "AT40 Celebration" page has been created. - The Reel Top 40 Repository has pictures of AT40 SuperFan's collection, including an example of a script card from one of Casey's shows! - If you would like to read about AT40 and Casey Kasem in spanish, visit American Top 40 pagina en espaņol. - Rob Durkee has an AT40 Trivia site, and it is updated daily. You can also learn about his book, "American Top 40: The Countdown of the Century". This book is a must read for fans of AT40. You learn all sorts of details about the history, the behind the scenes action, and some interesting tidbits. Also, the book has complete charts of every special countdown AT40 did (including every year-end chart!). - The "Reel Top 40" aircheck website has a RealAudio clip of an interview with Rob Durkee on his AT40 book. Check it out!
Miscellaneous Links - If you're a fan of classic AT40, you need to get "American Top 40 with Casey Kasem (The 1970s)" by Pete Battistini. - Get demos of the current AT40/AT20/AT10 family of shows on the Premiere Radio Networks site. - Information on a "Casey Kasem Day" event that was held in Fenton, MI in April 2008.- In 1999, a New York Times' article discussed Casey and AT40. - In 1991, I wrote AT40 with a question about the charts. I asked "What's the record for most weeks at Number One?" The staff of AT40, specifically "Doctor" Rob Durkee, was gracious enough to reply. Here's his response (This page will take a while to load if you have a slow connection!) - Have a question about AT40 or this page? Visit the FAQ page!
This page last updated June 20, 2008. |