(This is Not an official site, the
official site is at40.com)
If Casey Kasem were to retire today, who should
be the new host?
- 33% responded Ed McMann
- 29% responded Shadoe Stevens
- 19% responded a well known celebrity
- 19% resoponded a new, unknown talent
In your opinon, which of the following were the
best act of 2000 on AT40?
- 38% responded Vertical Horizon
- 38% responded 'N Sync
- 10% responded Christina Aguilera
- 5% responded Red Hot Chili Peppers
- 5% responded Sting
- 5% responded Pink
- 0% responded Britney Spears
- 0% responded Backstreet Boys
Which chart should AT40 use ?
- 38% responded "Radio & Records
- 38% responded "its own chart, from Mediabase
- 24% responded "a Billboard chart"
Should AT40 divulge how its chart works?
- 95% responded "yes"
- 5% responded "no"
Whose career will Christina Aguilera's follow?
- 43% responded "Debbie Gibson"
- 43% responded "Mariah Carey"
- 14% responded "What Career?!"
- 0% responded "Madonna"
Which show is AT40's best?
- 66% responded "American Top 40"
- 22% responded "They're All Good"
- 6% responded "American Top 20 (AC)
- 3% responded "American Top 20 (HAC)
- 3% responded "None"
- 0% responded "America's Top Hits"
Whose career will Britney Spears' most resemble?
- 52% responded "Debbie Gibson"
- 20% responded "What Career?!"
- 16% responded "Mariah Carey"
- 12% responded "Madonna"
Which of the following songs will be AT40's #1
song of 2000 (posted September 2000)
- 37% responded 'Too Soon to Tell'
- 37% responded "Bye Bye Bye" by 'N Sync
- 16% responded "Everything You Want" by
Vertical Horizon
- 10% responded "Smooth"
If another artist besides Madonna recorded
"Music", would it have made the top 10?
- 44% responded 'No'
- 39% had no opinion
- 17% responded 'Yes'
Should Shadoe come back as a guest host for the
new AT40?
- 79% responded Yes
- 13% responded No
- 4% responded Maybe
- 4% responded No Opinion
Should AT40 bring back the "Flashback" feature?
- 83% responded Yes
- 13% responded No
- 4% responded No Opinion
Should songs be removed from AT40 if they fall
below #20 and have been on the charts for more than 20 weeks?
(due to an error, the actual stats
for this poll were deleted. However, the majority was against the
policy of removing songs).
Should old AT40's be played again on the air?
(due to an error, the actual stats
for this poll were deleted. However, the majority was in favor of
hearing old AT40's again).
Which decade
was AT40's best?
- 37%
responded the 1980s
- 34%
responded the 1970s
- 26%
responded the 2000s
- 3%
responded No opinion
- 0%
responded the 1990s
What should
AT40 do for its 30th Anniversary?
- 71%
responded that AT40 should do a history of the show, playing songs from
all decades
- 14%
responded that AT40 should replay the 1st show from 1970
- 11%
responded that AT40 should play the Top 40 Hits from 1970-1999
- 4%
responded that AT40 should play the Top 40 Acts from 1970-1999
Which host
is AT40's best?
- 97 %
responded Casey Kasem
- 3%
responded Shadoe Stevens
- 0% chose
a guest host
Which chart
should AT40 use?
- 69%
responded "Keep using the Radio and Records pop chart"
- 20%
responded "Use the Hot 100"
- 9%
responded "Use the Top 40/Mainstream chart from Billboard"
- 2% had no
Should AT40
have its own website that posts the current chart each week?
- 92% said
that there should be
- 4% said
that there should be an official site, but not necessarily the chart
- 2% said
there should not be a site
- 2% had no
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This page last updated 9 January 2001