(This is Not an official site, at the moment no official
site exists)
Poll Results
Should AT40 HAC switch to the current R&R Hot AC chart
and count down the entire top 40 (with no recurrents)
- 56% - Yes
- 19% - No
- 25% - Yes, but with recurrents
When should radio stations air the two part AT20 Year-End
- 8% - At the regularly scheduled weeks, even if it's Christmas
- 25% - As a 6 hour show on New Year's Eve or New Year's Day
- 67% - Both of the above
Which AT40 special aired near the 4th of July is your favorite?
- 50% - Bicentennial Special (1976)
- 38% - Top Songs of the Disco Era (1979)
- 12% - AT40 Book of Records (1980)
Which AT40 special aired near the 4th of July is your favorite
- 70% - Top 40 Hits of the 80s So Far (1987)
- 10% - Giants of Rock (1986)
- 10% - Triatholon of Rock and Roll (1988)
- 10% - All American Special (1991)
Will the Hot AC version of Ryan's AT40 hurt Casey's AT20?
- 72% - No. Audiences tune in to hear Casey and his stories/dedications.
- 22% - Maybe. Some audiences would prefer to hear a top 40
Hot AC show
- 6% - Yes. Audiences will turn to the more "hip"
Ryan show
Should AT20/10 continue to have Long Distance Dedications?
- 67% - Of course! They are essential to any Casey show.
- 25% - Yes, but open up the criteria for using a letter so
that more could be read.
- 8% - No. If no one's writing them, then they should just
go away.
What do you think of the change to AT10?
- 44% - I don't like it. I'd like to hear more of the AC chart.
- 39% - As long as it's Casey doing the show, I don't care.
- 17% - It's great. The additional extras make the show better.
Which of the following features would you like to see added
to AT20 (AC or HAC)?
- 30% - An AT20 Flashback, like the feature on the Shadoe AT40
- 20% - Playing segments of last week's top 5 songs (like the
new AT40 does).
- 20% - Eliminate the songs of the past and play the entire
top 30.
- 20% - None of the above. Keep the show as is.
- 10% - Play a song that is "bubbling under" the
top 20 as an extra.
For those who have heard AT40 with Ryan, will you still
keep listening to AT40 now that you've heard a few shows?
- 44% - No
- 39% - Yes
- 17% - Still Undecided